Make More Money Renting Your AirBNB

Memorial Day has passed, schools have let out and summer has officially begun, which means vacations are underway. You may have thought of renting out your home or room via Airbnb to make a little extra cash this summer, but guess what - you're certainly not the only one with this great idea. With so much competition these days, it's important to know how to make your place stand out among the rest. 

Following these design tips we've shared will help you create an experience for guests, rather than just supplying a futon and a toilet for their stay. By doing these few things, you will be able to take your rental to the next level and keep your Airbnb booked all season long.


One of the simplest ways to create a little drama is by upgrading your lighting. No boob lights or boring ceiling fans, choosing a statement piece is affordable and instantly boosts the aesthetic of any room. [Source]



Mixing family-friendly antiques into the rest of the decor creates a collected vibe that feels unique and genuine. With the right pieces, you can enhance the character of your space and tell the story of your home or town. [Source]

Adding live plants to a space make it feel lived in and welcoming. They literally exhale life into a room!  [Source]


A staple in design - rugs create a finished look, ground seating areas and tell us where to gather. Also, by opting for rugs over carpeting you may save yourself some headache. Rugs are easy to clean (or replace) if a guest is messy, and if you have wood floors, they will help soften noise. [Source]


Touches like these make such a statement that guests can't help but to mention in reviews. These are the small things, easily overlooked, that instantly make guests feel welcomed. I've seen some rentals leave out a basket of various leftover samples of products, but a more streamlined offering appears curated and intentional. Guests will also enjoy trying high end products that they may not get to use on an everyday basis.  [Source]


Similar to a hotel set up, you may want to consider creating dual purpose areas for your rental space. You can create a far more versatile space by creating something as simple as a well-lit desk that can double as a space to style hair or apply makeup. To save space, you can also swap chairs for stools that can be tucked away when needed. [Source]


You may think to keep the space minimal so guests have room to bring in their own items they travel with, but don't keep things too bare! A few personal touches could mean the difference between a mediocre review and a beaming one. Planning the atmosphere in this way is all part of creating the experience, and who doesn't love a good Instagram photo-op? [Source]


Besides the necessities, it's always a great surprise for travelers to experience the unexpected, like a coffee bar. Curate a set up that is stocked with essentials any coffee or tea lover would be pleasantly surprised to see on their stay. This is definitely a personal touch that every visitor will remember. [Source]